How to Recognize Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms

man going through fentanyl withdrawal

Though fentanyl withdrawal symptoms manifest themselves similarly to other drug withdrawals, fentanyl can be more severe due to its potency. Considering the staggering statistics surrounding fentanyl overdose deaths, it’s important to read and react to the signs of fentanyl dependency and their withdrawal symptoms. Your actions on behalf of yourself or a loved one can mean the difference between life and death.

How Does Fentanyl Affect the Body?

In regards to the “high” effects, fentanyl binds to opioid receptors, triggering an abnormal release of dopamine. In addition, its sedative effects act as a depressant on the central nervous system, minimizing pain. The latter is why it is often used as a post-surgery pain relief medication in strictly low dosage and very temporary moderation.

What Causes Fentanyl Withdrawals?

Fentanyl withdrawals occur when the brain has become dependent upon the drug to produce the adapted levels of dopamine. This means the body has restricted the normal, natural production of this neurotransmitter, relying on fentanyl-induced stimulation for its supply. Therefore, when one stops using fentanyl, the body becomes starved of normal dopamine levels, inducing a variety of uncomfortable physical and mental withdrawals.

What are Common Physical Symptoms of Fentanyl Withdrawal?

A wide range of physical discomforts accompanies fentanyl detox and recovery. Depending on your addiction history, severity, and health factors you could experience one or more of the following symptoms in recovery.

Irrepressible tremors can be as scary as they are uncomfortable, especially if one is unfamiliar with this symptom. When an addicted individual goes too long between uses, it can produce an onset of shakes and tremors that only subside once fentanyl is used again.

When your body is craving its next dose of fentanyl, it goes into fight or flight mode, causing an abnormal and accelerated heart rate. This can also induce panic attacks and even cardiac arrest if you are unable to resist panic from the sudden rise in heart rate. It’s important to note that this, like all other symptoms on this list can be minimized with our help. Rest assured, our caring specialists ensure you’re as calm and safe as possible throughout our unparalleled detox programs.

The intensity of your withdrawal headaches usually depends on how severe your fentanyl dependency is. These headaches can also become increasingly severe the longer you go without using them. If this describes you or a loved one’s condition, discretionarily contact the appropriate professionals to get immediate medical help.

While pupils are known to become pinpoint during use, it’s also common for fentanyl withdrawals to induce pupil dilation from cravings alone. This means an individual with dilated pupils may not be currently under the influence but is suffering from a severe withdrawal episode. This withdrawal-induced pupil dilation is frequently accompanied by bloodshot eyes and other visual distortions, such as perceivable disorientation.

Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can make you sick to the point of nausea, especially without medical guidance. These feelings of nausea are at their peak without professional detox and medication-assisted treatment. If you feel you or a loved one may be experiencing fentanyl-related sickness, including nausea, don’t hesitate to take the appropriate action. Untreated nausea related to withdrawals can lead to a variety of more serious sicknesses and ailments without professional monitoring.

One of the most evident signs of fentanyl withdrawal symptoms is extreme perspiration for no apparent cause. This occurs for several cleansing and physiological dependent reasons. Physically, the body perspires because it has become dependent upon fentanyl to maintain a healthy body temperature. Therefore, when an individual goes too long between uses, the addicted party will suffer profuse sweating to maintain a healthy internal temperature. This is also one of the ways the body begins the cleansing process from opioid dependency.

What are the Psychological Symptoms of Fentanyl Withdrawal?

Fentanyl’s uncomfortable physical withdrawal symptoms are matched only by the equally taxing psychological effects. Getting the help you need right now can help you minimize all of the following mental withdrawal manifestations of this deadly drug.

Drug cravings are your mind’s way of communicating to the rest of the body that it “needs” another dose. In the case of fentanyl withdrawal, when your mind has become reliant upon this potent opioid to function, these cravings can feel unbearable. When these mental fits of hunger arise, they can feel irresistible, especially when encountered through self-attempted drug cessation. You don’t need to feel discouraged in your battle with withdrawals. Let Georgia Sky Outpatient Detox be your friend, guide, and support pillar to help you endure and enjoy the cleansing process.

Fentanyl overstimulates dopamine levels to a degree that forces the body to rely on it for dopamine production rather than natural means. Therefore, without its primary source for dopamine production, these destabilized neuronic balances cause anxiety levels to rise. In essence, this increased adrenaline rush puts the body in a tempered state of “fight-or-flight” mode. This in turn can induce unfounded panic attacks and other mental struggles.

Evening restlessness related to fentanyl withdrawal symptoms consists of difficulty sleeping, trouble staying asleep, or even more severe insomnia. While this may also be a physical symptom of withdrawal, it is a physical manifestation of psychological withdrawal. That is to say, insomnia occurs due to neuronic destabilizations that tamper with the regions of the brain that affect sleeping patterns. As a result, it produces a physical response by waking frequently in the middle of the night or preventing one from sleeping entirely. This symptom’s severity is strictly dependent on individual response to drug cessation and duration between doses.

Without strict medical monitoring, quitting cold turkey can inflict withdrawals in the form of serious mental health conditions. If left untreated, these psychological traumas can become a permanent fixture you’ll have to deal with your entire life. Don’t let mental traumas stemming from withdrawals discourage you from getting the help you deserve. If this describes you or anybody you know, seek professional medical detox for fentanyl withdrawal to prevent further brain damage.

treatment for fentanyl withdrawal

What is the Recovery Timeline for Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms?

The timeline for overcoming fentanyl withdrawals is split into two primary phases. Collectively, the following stages for withdrawal recovery can last anywhere between a week to a few months depending on the withdrawal type.

This stage refers to the immediate onset of withdrawal symptoms that occur when you first quit fentanyl. These symptoms usually arise within the first few hours of your last dose and can last as long as ten days. These symptoms consist of anxiety, nausea, insomnia, tremors, body aches, and other physical ailments. You may experience one or more of the aforementioned symptoms depending on your response to detox and addiction history.

If symptoms persist beyond the ten-day mark, it escalates into the protracted withdrawal phase. Better known as post-acute withdrawal symptoms or PAWS, this detox period is your body and brain’s extended adjustment of neuronic stabilization. This means your brain is still repairing itself and restoring natural chemical production without being dependent on fentanyl use. If you reach the protracted stage of detox withdrawals, it does not mean detox isn’t working. On the contrary, it means your detox is going just as planned. It just may take up to a few more weeks or months to finish the process. Completing this all-important stage of detox makes the rest of your recovery a seamless transition.

Treatment Options for Fentanyl Addiction

Thankfully, Georgia Sky Outpatient Detox has state-of-the-art personalized substance-specific treatment programs designed just for you. Our treatment assessment specialists will guide you to one of the following fentanyl-based treatment options.

The first and most important step for any level of fentanyl dependency is a solid detox program. Detox truly sets the tone for the rest of your recovery to be as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. As advertised, no detox program prioritizes your needs and sobriety more than our revolutionary procedures. The moment you reach out, you’ll know you’re in the best hands possible with detox specialists devoted to your well-being.

PHP treatment offers top-notch treatment and in-depth care, without the restrictions of residential treatment. While you still get access to the same quality recovery tools, PHP doesn’t require 24-hour monitoring by a medical specialist. Instead, these meetings, conducted at a medical facility, last up to five hours per day. These sessions are typically five days a week, affording the privilege of living off-site.

Residential programs take place at an approved facility where doctors can provide a more hands-on approach to recovery. These programs are best suited for people who need more accountability and monitoring of their recovery progress. Residential treatment is often the nudge people need to motivate them to accomplish independently sustainable sobriety. Best of all, this 24-hr access to a therapist ensures you get all the help you need, when you need it.

Doctors commonly prescribe necessary medications to help you recover properly. Medications serve a vital purpose in most addiction cases because they are needed to help stabilize the body and the organ’s natural processes. Without this, the body could go into shock, panic, or other serious life-threatening circumstances. This is just a short-term solution to aid the body’s natural restoration process.

Georgia Sky can be Your Detox and Recovery Solution

If you’re looking for a solution to addiction struggles, Georgia Sky Outpatient Detox can finally be your end-all. You’ll always have the top-level support, training, and guidance you need at every phase of your detox and recovery journey. Take the plunge and reach out to us to get the help you’ve always dreamed of. We’ll help you take your rehab goals, achievements, and aspirations to new heights. The sky truly is the limit for what you can accomplish with Georgia Sky Outpatient Detox.

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